55 Word Challenge
Week Forty-Two
The challenge begins at noon Eastern time every Wednesday and ends at noon Thursday. The story is based on one of three photo prompts and can be written in any genre you choose. My only request is no porn. I don't want to hear graphic details. If it is erotic, make it titillating, not obscene. I know that can be done and done well.
The story is to be posted in the comment section below, along with your twitter handle or email address, so I can contact you if you are the winner. If you don't want to list your email address, send it to me at jezri@writing.com. I promise I won't distribute it, but if you are the winner I need a way to notify you and to send you your prize.
And what does the winner get? This purty badge for one. For two, a gift card for $5.00 from Amazon. This is usually sent to your email within one to two weeks after winning. If anyone is interested in contributing a prize, a book, cover art, whatever you want, let me know and we will work something out.
Welcome back to #55WordChallenge. We are going on a tour today... and visiting my hometown. That's right, we are visiting Bean Town. Yes... that is a giant lima bean.
For those that are uninitiated, the 55 Word Challenge is a contest to write a story in 55 words or less. Not an easy task, but fun and I have been blown away by some of the entries. See for yourself, all the past contests can be found here.
The challenge begins at noon Eastern time every Wednesday and ends at noon Thursday. The story is based on one of three photo prompts and can be written in any genre you choose. My only request is no porn. I don't want to hear graphic details. If it is erotic, make it titillating, not obscene. I know that can be done and done well.
The story is to be posted in the comment section below, along with your twitter handle or email address, so I can contact you if you are the winner. If you don't want to list your email address, send it to me at jezri@writing.com. I promise I won't distribute it, but if you are the winner I need a way to notify you and to send you your prize.

And what does the winner get? This purty badge for one. For two, a gift card for $5.00 from Amazon. This is usually sent to your email within one to two weeks after winning. If anyone is interested in contributing a prize, a book, cover art, whatever you want, let me know and we will work something out.
If you are an artist that would like to have your work featured, let me know!
Photo Prompt:
Lima was once a train town in its hayday.
The oil refinery lights us the sky at night. You should see the flame.
And of course our river walk. You will need to hold your breath and don't even think about going for a swim. Your skin may never recover.
Amy is only seven when the alarms sound and her world is changed forever. Alone in a bomb shelter beneath her home, she spends weeks isolated, with only her toy rabbit for company. Then she is rescued. But sometimes monsters exist, even in the light. The war has changed people and the new world has become more dangerous than ever before.
Shameless Plug:
Jezri’s Nightmares: A Year of Horror is a collection of 5 books, containing a total of 70 short stories. Included are all four volumes of Jezri's Nightmares: Flashes From the Grave, Tales of Terror, Psychotic Mumblings and Night Terrors, as well as MONSTERS!
Available on Kindle, Nook, Kobo and Smashwords.
And coming soon:

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