Wednesday, June 26, 2013

55 Word Challenge: Week Sixty-Three


Welcome back to #55WordChallenge!
For those that are uninitiated, the 55 Word Challenge is a contest to write a story in 55 words or less. Not an easy task, but fun and I have been blown away by some of the entries. See for yourself, past contests can be found here. (I am a bit behind in getting this updated.) The challenge begins at noon Eastern time every Wednesday and ends at noon Thursday. The story is based on one of three photo prompts. My only request is no porn. I don't want to hear graphic details. If it is erotic, make it titillating, not obscene. I know that can be done and done well.
The story is to be posted in the comment section below, along with your twitter handle or email address, so I can contact you if you are the winner.

And what does the winner get? Besides bragging rights? This badge, which can proudly be displayed on your blog or website. You can even have it tattooed onto your body, but that might be a little weird.  
If anyone is interested in contributing a prize, a book, cover art, whatever you want, let me know and we will work something out. If you are an artist that would like to have your work featured, let me know!
Photo Prompt:


Winner 55 Word Challenge: Week Sixty-Two


*sigh* I lost track of time. As mentioned before, Jeff was working 12 hour shifts... that is over... for now. I hold my breath in hopes that it doesn't start back up.

Honorable Mentions:

@bookwormattack: I loved the circus theme.

@hlpauf: Was he Santa? I like to think so. Poor guy.

@LurchMunster: I really am enjoying your continuing saga... and the last line made me laugh.


@bullishink: Oh my gosh, this made me laugh. Never get on the wrong side of a cat. I learned this the hard way. 


Why didn’t humans read the fine print on their Cat Owner’s Manual? Bringing home a puppy was expressly forbidden, locking kitty out of the house because puppy was a urinating coward was treason, and punishment for either was neither swift nor sweet. Fortunately, Brutus was well equipped to dispense justice with his Southpaw of Retribution.
Ok, Ruth, you win this beautiful necklace. I will send it out next Thursday. If you will just put it on your Amazon Wish List, I can have Amazon ship it to you. Send me the link to the wish list, so I can gift it to you. 
Until Death Voodoo Doll Necklace


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

55 Word Challenge: Week Sixty-Two


Welcome back to #55WordChallenge! No guest judge this week, so you are stuck with me.

For those that are uninitiated, the 55 Word Challenge is a contest to write a story in 55 words or less. Not an easy task, but fun and I have been blown away by some of the entries. See for yourself, past contests can be found here. (I am a bit behind in getting this updated.) The challenge begins at noon Eastern time every Wednesday and ends at noon Thursday. The story is based on one of three photo prompts. My only request is no porn. I don't want to hear graphic details. If it is erotic, make it titillating, not obscene. I know that can be done and done well.
The story is to be posted in the comment section below, along with your twitter handle or email address, so I can contact you if you are the winner.

And what does the winner get? Besides bragging rights? This badge. 
What? You want more? Well how about THIS?
Until Death Voodoo Doll Necklace

Isn't it adorable? I will need the winner's address so I can ship it direct from Amazon. If you don't want to supply an address, you could go and put it on your Amazon wishlist, send me the link and I can gift it that way.

If anyone is interested in contributing a prize, a book, cover art, whatever you want, let me know and we will work something out. If you are an artist that would like to have your work featured, let me know!
Photo Prompt:


30 percent off of my books listed here: Book Promotion,

Winner 55 Word Challenge: Week Sixty-One

Sorry for the delay. Jeff is working 12 hour shifts EVERY DAY this week, my older daughter is in Georgia and my youngest is with her dad for the week... so just me and the Little Minion all day long. And I think he is intentionally being difficult. He's not used to his sisters not being home and neither am I.

Wendy, (by_wjhoward,) has chosen, so without further delay...

Honorable Mentions:





He bought things in pairs. Shoes, of course; lamps; puppies (finally, a purchase no one questioned!). Once he even found a set of used Jeeps.

“Things break,” he said, shrugging. “Things get lost. Life happens.”

He murmured this again, later, when laying a pair of red roses at the twin headstones marked with his birthday.

55 words
I will be contacting all four of you for Email information. Wendy has books for each of you.
Wendy is the editor and one of the founding members of Visionary Press Cooperative.

Visionary Press Cooperative
A New Vision for Publishing
Fantasy, Sci Fi, & Horror
Member Owned
Member Controlled
Member Benefited
At Visionary Press we strive for a totally new, inventive way of publishing. New ways of getting your stories, poems, whatever out there in not only conventional ways, but in innovative ways as well. We're not your normal Indie Publishing house, in fact, we're all about making a difference out there in the publishing world. Let us make a believer out of you. Show us what you got and we'll show you how great it can be.


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

55 Word Challenge: Week Sixty-One

Welcome back to #55WordChallenge! We have a lot of fun last week. Let's see what kind of mayhem we can write up this week. Wendy Howard from Visionary Press Cooperative is judging.
For those that are uninitiated, the 55 Word Challenge is a contest to write a story in 55 words or less. Not an easy task, but fun and I have been blown away by some of the entries. See for yourself, past contests can be found here. (I am a bit behind in getting this updated.) The challenge begins at noon Eastern time every Wednesday and ends at noon Thursday. The story is based on one of three photo prompts. My only request is no porn. I don't want to hear graphic details. If it is erotic, make it titillating, not obscene. I know that can be done and done well.
The story is to be posted in the comment section below, along with your twitter handle or email address, so I can contact you if you are the winner.

And what does the winner get? Besides bragging rights? This badge.  What? You want more? Well how about a copy of Timothy Hobb's The Smell of Ginger for the winner and a copy of one of Nicole Hadaway's Dandridge shorts to the Honorable Mentions?

If anyone is interested in contributing a prize, a book, cover art, whatever you want, let me know and we will work something out. If you are an artist that would like to have your work featured, let me know!
Photo Prompt:



Thursday, June 6, 2013

Winner 55 Word Challenge: Week Sixty

Laura Jamez has spoken! And she is so much more prompt than I am. Here are the results.


Ok have read & decided so :

First of thanks to Lisa for allowing me to judge this week, I loved the picture choices and let's face it all the stories were delicious.

My HM's go to

@sjiholliday - always fancied going to one of these dark restaurants, but you really don't know what your eating do you?

@Cmstewart - brought to mind daft tourists, made me smile.

@bullishink - Ruth reminds us that condiments are always important no matter the meal.


@davidaludwig - not only did David use all the pictures, but I heard Iron Chef Chairman Mark Dacascos clearly when he revealed the secret ingredient. Cleverly done & made me laugh.

 Thanks for letting me judge & giving away my book

Laura Xx
Okay, that's it for this week! David, you win a copy of Laura's book, Kitchen Antics and Other Tales. YAY! I'm reading it now. It's a good book.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

55 Word Challenge: Week Sixty

Welcome back to #55WordChallenge! We have a lot of fun last week and I hope the fun continues this week. There is a theme this week. Kitchen Horror.
For those that are uninitiated, the 55 Word Challenge is a contest to write a story in 55 words or less. Not an easy task, but fun and I have been blown away by some of the entries. See for yourself, past contests can be found here. (I am a bit behind in getting this updated.) The challenge begins at noon Eastern time every Wednesday and ends at noon Thursday. The story is based on one of three photo prompts. My only request is no porn. I don't want to hear graphic details. If it is erotic, make it titillating, not obscene. I know that can be done and done well.
The story is to be posted in the comment section below, along with your twitter handle or email address, so I can contact you if you are the winner.

And what does the winner get? Besides bragging rights? This badge. But that's not all. You also get a copy of Kitchen Antics & Othe Tales by our guest judge, LE Jamez.

If anyone is interested in contributing a prize, a book, cover art, whatever you want, let me know and we will work something out. If you are an artist that would like to have your work featured, let me know!
Photo Prompt:


Winner 55 Word Challenge: Week Fifty-Nine

My daughter graduated, my daughter graduated! Whew! Maybe now I can get back on track. Or maybe not. We will see. But isn't she beautiful? And the diploma is signed. Whew!
But that's not what you want to know about. You want to know the results of last weeks 55 Word Challenge. So...
Honorable Mentions:
@LurchMunster: It’s been interesting reading Mark’s continuing saga. This week’s made me chuckle, while having a feel of The Matrix to it. I like.
@PurpleQueenNL: You got my attention and then left it at a cliffhanger! Good job. Now I want more.
@DavidALudwig: And speaking of The Matrix, or perhaps Tron… wow, loved this, especially the part about the screaming that people hear.
@by_wjhoward: This is funny and not, all at the same time. I can’t help but feel sorry for Andrea, (I’ve been in bathrooms I didn’t want to use.)
Andrea stood in the doorway of the public restroom holding her crotch, the voice in her head telling her, “green is bad . . . green is bad . . . .” She knew what she had to do. Count. Counting the occurrences of green would make the room safe, even if she wet her pants before making it to the toilet.
55 Words
Ok, that's it. Hopefully this week I will be back on track and have the winners announced BEFORE the next challenge is scheduled. Todays challenge will be up at noon and we have a special guest, Laura Jamez. So I'm off to dust and straighten the place up. See you in a few hours!