Winner 55 Word Challenge:
Week Twenty-Seven
Wow, none of you made this easy for me this week; all great stories. I agonized over this, really I did. And when it came down to it, I couldn’t narrow it down to just 4, (3 HM’s and 1 winner,) so we have 4 honorable mentions today.
I want to say, the most popular picture seemed to be the one with the hand. That was courtesy of my daughter, Sarah, who in trying to take a picture of herself, managed only to capture her hand. I am so glad I stopped her from deleting it off my phone.
The blurry child is my son, Caleb. I have no idea why it came out like that, but again I loved it and thought it would make a good prompt.
The other was taken the other day at my son’s birthday party and is one of the lakes at Teddy Bear Park.
Honorable Mentions:
@noxiousserenade: This was brilliant and left me breathless.
@caramichaels: The monster in the closet! Every child’s fear and no one ever listens to them.
@JXilon: I don’t know if you knew when you wrote this, but as stated above it is my daughter’s hand. I was immediately drawn in by the character’s name and knowing my daughter, she would have her revenge too.
@nazilliville: Is it wrong that this made me laugh? I could just picture the scene. Poor Susie, I hope she was able to come home. Lesson in kidnapping, 101… make the drop off location easy to figure out.
@PurpleQueenNL: Again, the monster in the closet! There is always so much you can do with that, but in this case it seems the adults knew what was in there and used it as punishment. I could feel the fear. Great job! Grab the Winners badge and DM me your email addy so I can send you the Amazon Gift card.
Check out the winning story!
No! Please no, not back in there, please no!
I want to come out, I’ll be good.
I won’t cry, I won’t laugh, I won’t eat, I’ll just sit here okay?
But not in there okay?
Not in the dark again okay? Not with the monster?
It hurt so much last time.
If anyone has photos they would like to contribute, or would be interested in judging, let me know! You can email me at, put 55 Word Challenge in the subject line, or send me a message on twitter, @jezri1. Thank you everyone for entering!
I want to come out, I’ll be good.
I won’t cry, I won’t laugh, I won’t eat, I’ll just sit here okay?
But not in there okay?
Not in the dark again okay? Not with the monster?
It hurt so much last time.
If anyone has photos they would like to contribute, or would be interested in judging, let me know! You can email me at, put 55 Word Challenge in the subject line, or send me a message on twitter, @jezri1. Thank you everyone for entering!

Coming October 1st:
Jezri's Halloween Nightmares
I love reading these! I think I might try your next one.